Tired of Being Tired

Published on 8 February 2023 at 12:14


WHAT IF?!...Wednesday:

With my insomnia, I am woken with random soundtracks in my mind. And this catchphrase has been one of those musings for a couple of weeks now. 

We've attached it to supplements, the need for more energy,

&/or some sort of additional caffeine stimulant.

But what if we took a step back to REST - REFOCUS - RESET our bodies and mind...

instead of trying to fix our tiredness with more things.


"Tired of being Tired?"... We hear this often.

I'm guilty of using it.

And it can start to feel misleading. 

Supplements, although good, can get a reputation for energizing and stimulating you, as if they are magic. And because human nature comes into play, we all get excited

about a "quick fix" to our problems.

Now - don't get angry at this - I am not bashing the marketing industry or any specific products out there, I am merely bringing to light a completely different perspective on this catchphrase after being diagnosed with a Chronic Illness. 


For me, fatigue and tiredness will not magically change or disappear with supplements or stimulants, when you have a chronic illness like SLE (lupus), Fibromyalgia, etc. 


Could they help?  Maybe. Am I willing to try? Most likely, it's that human nature thing.


But here's the most important thing I've learned since being diagnosed with SLE:

          REST is the key, it is my new friend.

My body is continually fighting against itself 24 hours a day.  And the only thing that will truly help is rest.  In addition, I am learning my new limitations, and working at avoiding the things that trigger flare-ups. 


So, when you're tired of being tired, and you know that you are doing all that you can to be healthy, ie:

eating healthy, staying hydrated, moving your body intentionally,

getting good sleep, and taking care of your mental health; 

maybe what you really need is rest. 


From the heart - Stac.


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