Self Care

ClearClub is the Clear Choice


Known for their custom nightguards, to stop teeth grinding, they also offer custom guards and teeth whitening.

The process is fast and seamless; plus they offer different whitening options. From renewal systems to the strength of the actual whitener.


Here’s how it goes:


  1. Choose and order whitening your system. A one time purchase, or you can order a renewal system every 3,4 or 6 months for a 30% savings.
  2. Next, you will receive your impression kit, along with instructions and prepaid mailer to send them back. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete your impressions and it was so simple to do.
  3. Within 7-10 days, you will have your system with custom guards to whiten and brighten your smile.


Why I loved the system and would choose it again:


First and foremost, it was EASY!  And that is everything for me and I’m sure it would be for you as well.  Secondly, the whitening trays are non-allergenic, latex free and BPA-free. Plus, they are manufactured and approved by USA dental professionals.  And finally, I love their 100% satisfaction guarantee!  If your guard doesn’t fit right or you aren’t satisfied with any part of the process, just reach out and they will make it right.


Just click on the link and take the quiz to find out what’s right for you!  (plus you will save 20% on any order you make)